We’ve had a ton of questions come in about the WTFPocket and its features, particularly the EMF radiation shielding. Hopefully, this post will straighten some of that out. There are hundreds of smaller studies that indicate EMF radiation causes everything from DNA strand breaking and sperm immobility to cancer, and other large studies that say […]

WTFJeans V3 has launched!

What a crazy weekend! We officially launched the V3 on Saturday, at 9 am in the morning (Eastern European time), after a wild launch party on Friday night featuring 2 live bands – “Caracas” and “Country Strike”. Awesome. The Croatian websites published the news first, and as we progressed into morning hours in North America, […]

It’s a few weeks until we launch what are the most advanced pair of jeans available, ever. Big claim from a tiny company, but you know us. We care about making the best jeans possible. We completely redesigned WTFJeans V2, inside and out. We took 5 months to go over every little detail with our […]

The Re-Invention Happens Here – V3

We are back again! For the last three months we worked on V3 model which is definitively going to surprise you! After the famous iPhone pocket lined with micro-fiber, which is still here, we wanted to give you a few new features that will definitely change your habits of wearing jeans. After you get your […]

Croatian Company Pravi Klik Acquires WTFJeans

The WTFJeans advanture started at the end of 2009 when the couple of us geeks wanted to make jeans for ourselves that would help us to easily put in and out the smartphone from the pocket while we are sitting. First for fun, the whole story has become a serious business via Twitter and Facebook. […]

Spring is coming with the desire to adapt our clothing to the weather. We decided that we need something little differently from V2, which we wore all winter long. We need a pair of pants perfect for the hot weather, and since we won’t be wearing jackets any more, we will need a few pockets […]

WTFShirt Crowdfounding Campaign is Over

Today, our first crowdfunding campaign on Indigogo has finished. We had a goal to raise $4000 to be able to go into serial production. Unfortunately, we failed to reach the goal, but all those who have reserved their shirt will get them sometime in April, after we make them. Altogether, we will make 30 WTFShirts, probably making it […]

Voila, after two months, we are done working on out WTFShirt and it’s ready for production. This time around, we will need your help with the launch. We decided to use Indiegogo to launch the first batch of WTFShirt. To thank you for your help with the launch, we made several Pearks that might be interesting to […]